March 2013: How Do You See Yourself?

Let’s go with the easy and somewhat sarcastic answer of, “I use a mirror”. What does the mirror tell you? Are you the “fairest of them all”? Do you smile once you get that first view of yourself, as if to say you are more than happy?

I know confidence fluctuates and wanes as we encounter new challenges and setbacks in life. For some, a positive self-image comes in later stages of life. The adjectives we use to describe ourselves impact what we can accomplish. Though I consciously not let what I wear and how I look influence my level of enthusiasm and work output, in the end, I know it does.

The frame of mind needed to mainly see myself in a positive light hinges on adequate sleep, constant learning (and reading) and interaction with others. Though I fancy myself a solitary creature, sort of a lone wolf, I look back on the years I spent mainly working from home. I loved the routine and the type of work, but I did not get enough sunshine and camaraderie.

All of us have something unique and great to share with others. It starts from within, at that first glimpse in the mirror.

So my friends, how do you see yourself?

This month, I bring you more than my usual two friends. It is because I know so many beautiful people and narrowing the list to just these four people proved to be a task that has me submitting March’s newsletter in April. #excuses.

Please visit their respective website to learn more.

Okema T. Moore
Check out her youtube channel and series, O’s Acapella 

 Tamika Williams
A beautiful spirit who radiates positivity - “Fave her photo!”


Adrian Bailey
Motivation, Life Training and Exercise Program

This program comes highly recommended by many friends.